"EDUCATION The Passport To The Future, For Tomorrow Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It TODAY"

Education today, must both empowwar and liberate. It must build knowledge that is rooted in skills and supported by the attitude to persevere and achieve, BVN is striving to achieve all this and more through its clear vision of holucation for all the young lives under its care. A caring team of accomplis.. is working spiritedly to provide a curriculum that's experiential, enquiry ba creative. The outlay of infrastructure and facilities available to students at the campus, is well chosen, modern and impressive. Fully committed to actualize the mission of the progressive BVN Society for quality education to the young citizens of India, BVN is utilizing ably the guidance it is receiving from the society and steadily growing in the esteem of notjust the BVN fraternity but also the academic community at large. I warmly greet the parents and learners seeking to be associated with the school and am confident that the wonderful world of opportunities that they will discover in the scholastic and co-scholastic canvas of the school, will be truly fulfilling.