Greetings to all!And a heartiest welcome to one more new session of togetherness on the wey to excellence. "A nation is agared aroportion to the education and intelligence spread among the masses" Knowledge and education are the foundations of all advancement and progress. Development is possible only when the society is well educated. And this awareness is the sole reason that BVN came into being 22 ears ago. In the current era, the objective of school education is notjust classroor ing of various curriculum for preparing the students for framed examinations, buttheholistic and wholesome development ofthe future global citizens. BVN always strive-e intensely provide the pupils with ample opportunities to participate and mark ti presence in various kinds of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Needless to emphasise,allthat we have achieved so far and much more that we aspire to achieve, could not have been possible without Principal Ms. Anju Dagar on the front line, the team of dedicated teachers and the efficient support staff. At BVN, we are committed and striving to provide the best education and to encourage our children to excel not only in the academics but also to growas proud and responsible global citizens of tomorrow. I wish the principals, staff, students & parents of BVN, all the very best in their future endeavours,

Mr. Narayan Dagar (Adv.) Chairman, BVN Group of Schools